Available in Paperback, eBook & AudioBook
The Irreverent Guide to Spectacular Communication by LB Adams is practical, sharp and humorous! This is the professional development guidebook you’ll refer to again and again, and you can get yours now in paperback, eBook or audiobook.
Take Charge Of Your Words With This Guidebook
LB’s book, The Irreverent Guide to Spectacular Communication, is packed with stories, real people and, yes, a couple of "adult” words. THE GUIDE offers real, immediately implementable ways to think about words and how we use them. Throughout this book, you’ll build small awarenesses that create ripples of change in how you communicate with the world. AND you’ll find a few laughs along the way.
You’ll gain invaluable skill-building ideas and exercises on the following topics…
Communication Skills
Successful Teaming
Empathy & “EQ”
Leadership Skills
Public Speaking
Profitable Word Choices
Embracing Uniqueness
Networking, and MORE…
A Sneak Peak!
LB believes that you can craft a greater life when you take charge of your words, and her book tells you how to do just that in a format with quick actionable steps. Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 2: Communication Is Everything.
“First, communication is a process. It is not one single thing taken at one single time. It requires context. It is a compilation of the give and take of things over a period of time, that may or may not lead to meaning.
Second, it’s really important to understand that communication only happens when there is a commonly understood system. If you speak to me in Swahili, we’re not communicating because we’re not utilizing a system that is common to both of us because I can’t understand you. George Bernard Shaw famously wrote, “The problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
This second part is where the majority of miscommunication occurs. We think we’re communicating in a common system, but even if you’re speaking the same language, meaning may be hard to find. Think about when you were confused by a word someone used, or a tone, or a facial expression or even a lack of response. That’s because…
CUE CARD! Communication is imperfect and subjective to every single individual.
Doesn’t that just make everything a hairy, ridiculous mess?!
Yes. Yes, it does.
AND it provides the expression of voice, color and uniqueness to each person. Totally worth it.”
Excerpt from Chapter 2: Communication Is Everything.
“Small awarenesses are the foundation of epic transformation.”
- LB Adams, Author of The Irreverent Guide to Spectacular Communication