Articles, essays & videos packed with wit, humor and a bit of tough-love skill-building, right at your finger tips.
2 Differences Between Good & Great Public Speakers
There is a thin line and a wide chasm between good and great.
You Are Public Speaking Gold. Yes, It's You.
Instead of affecting the speaking style of someone else, work to construct your own authentic presentation persona.
Becoming A TED Speaker - Part 2
Failure and dogged determination helped make a big, giant, hairy, audacious goal happen. Here’s the second part of the story.
The One Thing That Makes a Public Speaker “Award Winning…”
What makes a public speaker truly memorable?
Public Speaking Growth Hack For Rising Stars
Here’s what takes a public speaker or a presentation from “Meh” to “Wow!” Hint: ducks should not be involved.
Public Speaking Insight For Novice (Debut) Speakers
You probably have the makings of a good public speaker. Stick with us and we’ll show you how to be great!
Recovering In The Middle Of A Public Speaking Goof
A great public speaker understands how to recover when things don’t go quite as planned.