Articles, essays & videos packed with wit, humor and a bit of tough-love skill-building, right at your finger tips.
The Greatest Words You Can Give Yourself
Like a little mindset gift from you to your better you.
Clothing Is Communication
Yep, clothing is a conversation, even ugly, violent conversations.
Self Leadership (Adulting) #3: Upgrading Your Interior Dialogue
Loving and enthusiastic interior dialogues are a hallmark of ADULTING.
Self Leadership (Adulting) #2: 3 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Conflict
Conflict conversations: Hate ‘em. Gotta have ‘em.
Self Leadership (Adulting) #1: When to Speak & When to be Silent
What’s the stop gap between your mouth and your brain? Self leadership.
Welcome to Adulting: A/K/A Self Leadership
Welcome to adulting, where self leadership is the key for success.
Why the Phrase “Work-Life Balance” is Bullsh*t for Women
“Balance” doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion that’s been handed to women to make them feel never good enough.
Leading With Humor (Seriously)
Not every funny person is a leader, but great leaders can be funny.
Do You Even Hear Yourself?
What would you hear if you actually listened to what you were saying?
Coping With the “Gray NO”
Silence doesn’t work. Give me an answer, even if you think I won’t like it.