Articles, essays & videos packed with wit, humor and a bit of tough-love skill-building, right at your finger tips.
Being a Post-Pandemic Consumer
The screens, and what lives behind them, will suck you in and make you feel like you’re missing something. But only if you let them.
Letters From Inside the House: Day 27 of Quarantine
Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. Or, you know, renaming the dog.
You Are Public Speaking Gold. Yes, It's You.
Instead of affecting the speaking style of someone else, work to construct your own authentic presentation persona.
Public Speaking: What You Give vs. What They Receive
Public speaking is a conversation. Be brilliant, give them all you have and then let it go because you can’t control what they receive.
You've Got Elevator Pitch Questions, We've Got Answers
Still unsure about delivering a great Elevator Pitch? Here’s some of our most frequently asked questions.
The One Thing That Makes a Public Speaker “Award Winning…”
What makes a public speaker truly memorable?
Public Speaking Growth Hack For Rising Stars
Here’s what takes a public speaker or a presentation from “Meh” to “Wow!” Hint: ducks should not be involved.
Public Speaking Insight For Novice (Debut) Speakers
You probably have the makings of a good public speaker. Stick with us and we’ll show you how to be great!
Video Dos & Don'ts From An Actor
Everybody’s doing video but not everyone does it well. Level up to really good video & on-camera skills.