Articles, essays & videos packed with wit, humor and a bit of tough-love skill-building, right at your finger tips.
Public Speaking Growth Hack For Rising Stars
Here’s what takes a public speaker or a presentation from “Meh” to “Wow!” Hint: ducks should not be involved.
Public Speaking Insight For Novice (Debut) Speakers
You probably have the makings of a good public speaker. Stick with us and we’ll show you how to be great!
Video Dos & Don'ts From An Actor
Everybody’s doing video but not everyone does it well. Level up to really good video & on-camera skills.
Put A Little Play In Your Life
Creative play builds teams, enhances critical thinking, adds joy and is good for your state of mind.
The Art/Skill Of Keeping Your Word
Is a promise always a promise, until it’s not? It shouldn’t be so hard for us to keep our word.
How A Pink Post-it® Note Can Change The World
Ahhh, Post-it® notes, those sticky reminders to buy dog food, make a dentist appointment and change the world.