Articles, essays & videos packed with wit, humor and a bit of tough-love skill-building, right at your finger tips.
2 Differences Between Good & Great Public Speakers
There is a thin line and a wide chasm between good and great.
Podcast Interview for “How to be a Professional Badass”
A conversational riff on fear, the moments that change everything, and finding your particular voice.
Not Your Average Business Blog Post
A business owner mom who is tired and sick of accepting thoughts and prayers.
Moving From Conversational Hijacker To Listening Unicorn
You can co-opt, take-over and railroad the conversation, or you can learn new skills. Be the unicorn.
How Do We Build Great Storytelling?
Telling a story is quintessentially human. Great storytelling is built on a strong foundation of empathy and value.
You've Got Elevator Pitch Questions, We've Got Answers
Still unsure about delivering a great Elevator Pitch? Here’s some of our most frequently asked questions.
The One Thing That Makes a Public Speaker “Award Winning…”
What makes a public speaker truly memorable?