Articles, essays & videos packed with wit, humor and a bit of tough-love skill-building, right at your finger tips.
The Greatest Words You Can Give Yourself
Like a little mindset gift from you to your better you.
Clothing Is Communication
Yep, clothing is a conversation, even ugly, violent conversations.
Self Leadership (Adulting) #3: Upgrading Your Interior Dialogue
Loving and enthusiastic interior dialogues are a hallmark of ADULTING.
Self Leadership (Adulting) #2: 3 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Conflict
Conflict conversations: Hate ‘em. Gotta have ‘em.
Self Leadership (Adulting) #1: When to Speak & When to be Silent
What’s the stop gap between your mouth and your brain? Self leadership.
Welcome to Adulting: A/K/A Self Leadership
Welcome to adulting, where self leadership is the key for success.
Why the Phrase “Work-Life Balance” is Bullsh*t for Women
“Balance” doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion that’s been handed to women to make them feel never good enough.